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Surviving on an apprenticeship wage

Budgeting?  Is that a dirty word?

Yep, it’s a tight ride on Apprenticeship wages.


But you are being paid to learn and are doing something brilliant for your future. So don’t give up.


Here are some tips to help you make it through the lean days.


1. Be a savvy spender. If you do need to buy something, consider it a game to get it at the best possible price. Do your research and be savvy.


2. Food is a basic need, but eat cheap. There are lots of ways to do this. Pack your own lunch, buy at the grocery store instead of convenience stores, cook a big feed on the weekend and eat the leftovers for lunch.


3. Plan your meals. If you are throwing food away at the end of the week, you are throwing away money. Plan your meals and only buy what you need.


4. Don’t shop when you are hungry. You will buy way more than you need.


5. Share accommodation. Housing is getting more and more expensive in Australia. Consider share houses, rooms for rent, or even better, stay at home with your family for as long you can. This will go a long way to keeping you on track financially while you do your trade.


6. Need more cash? Consider weekend work.


7. Don’t burn your money in fuel. If you can car pool and share fuel expenses do it!


We get its not easy. If you need more help with this, check out our other Money Matters advice, or CONNECT now to talk to one of our mentors.

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