The Support Hub

Link UP: ACT
Below is a list of useful websites relevant to apprentices and trainees in Australia. The below organisations are Australian Capital Territory based services.
Personal Support

Provides a range of personal support services including counselling, financial and housing assistance.
Telephone counselling and support, anytime, any reason for teens aged 13-25.

Legal Issues
There are legal aid organisations in every state of Australia. These government funded programs offer information about services and useful legal information to help you understand the laws and legal system in the state you live in. Each state offers legal aid help over the phone if needed, so visit the relevant state website for more information.

A website offering practical, straightforward skills to assist you to excell in your career and study. www.mindtools.com
Provides high quality information and resources that help you learn and develop the skills you need to make the most of everyday life. Especially check our their resources about learning skills.
We recommend you contact your RTO directly for Educational support. Beyond this, here are some excellent websites with great learning support resources.

A website offering FREE and impartial financial guidance and tools
Care Inc
Care Inc. is a community organisation set up to ensure low income consumers are treated fairly and have support to overcome debt.
Health Issues

Community Housing
Provides affordable housing throughout Australia.
Stands for 'National Rent Affordability Scheme'. A government initiative providing subsidised rent for lower income earners throughout Australia. To find out whether you are eligible to rent an NRAS property, how to apply to rent an NRAS property and your rights as an NRAS tenant, visit their tenants web page here.
Community Health
Provides a range of free health services on behalf of the governments of Australia.
Beyound Blue
A national initiative to raise awareness of anxiety and depression, providing resources for recovery, management and resilience